I-STEP – proiect Visum, Texas State University și University of New Orleans

Macheta I-STEP 3

Credit machetă: I-STEP

Objectives to be met on International Sustainable Transportation Engagement Program (I-STEP) program in Brasov:

- An analysis over Brasov’s current transportation situation, with regards to cycling and walking;
– To combine resources with the expertise of nationally and internationally professionals to identify ways to create a sustainable development;
– To involve as much stakeholders as possible;
– To promote civic engagement as a resource for the community;
– And to have the I-STEP program as an assistance program for future work and references.

Programul I-STEP pune la dispoziţia comunităţii materiale şi analize împărţite în trei categorii:

  1. Resurse I-STEP;
  2. Analize intersecţii/străzi;
  3. Înregistrări trafic.

Materialele pot fi consultate şi preluate de AICI.

I-STEP Brasov had the help of a study group of international experts during a week long visit in the summer of 2015. The experts visiting Brasov were Billy Fields – Texas State University San Marcos, TX; Tony Hull – Independent Planning Consultant Minneapolis, MN; Tara Tolford – University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA; Heather Deutsche – Toole Planning Washington, DC; Jen Duthie – University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX; Chris Gawronski – Independent Planning Consultant Abu Dhabi, UAE; Bill Desoto – Texas State University San Marcos, TX.

During this visit we managed to form a report on what can be made and we set up a more specific objectives:

1. Local government efforts:
a. To help show the local authorities that there is demand in the local population for infrastructure that would make traveling by bicycle and foot safer and more respected. To accomplish this, we will continue our research on traffic flows, the daily monitoring of the problems that cyclists and pedestrians are facing in traffic, and the focus groups within the community to determine in more detail their stance on the issue.
b. Promote the small steps that have already been taken by the community. Although they are by no means sufficient, they are building blocks on which we can build hope and raise expectations. We will launch a P.R. campaign that will document the steps already taken, the problems that we still face and this will express hope for the future.
c. Use our allies within the local authorities to increase communication and “open up ears.” We will continue our advocacy efforts.

2. Brașov to Cristian Trail project: The second thing we are focusing on is building the trail between Brașov and Cristian, via the Schaffler factory. We currently working with the Schaeffler representatives to formulate a plan, and we are also collaborating with a team of experts in the domain of European and national founding to help us get funding for the project.

3. Building a stronger and more diverse set of stakeholders:
Our third priority is bringing together more of the civil society stakeholders to contribute to our efforts.
a. We are preparing to launch a set of informational brochures;
b. Enabling more workshops and skype talks with experts and advocates.

Programul este deschis oricărei persoane şi organizaţii care doreşte să se implice în creşterea calităţii vieţii în mediul urban.

Pentru orice informaţii ne puteţi scrie pe istep@visumbrasov.org.